(209) 373-0061

How would you like a new, lower electric bill?

(209) 373-0061


How would you like a new, lower

electric bill?

You may be eligible for solar panels at no cost.

Find out if you qualify by taking our 30-second survey!

How can going solar save me money?

Going solar can save you money in several ways:

First, by installing solar panels, you can generate your own electricity and reduce your reliance on the grid.

This means that you’ll be using less electricity from your utility company, which can result in lower energy bills.


Second, some states (including California) offer incentives and rebates for homeowners who install solar panels, which can help offset the cost of installation and maintenance.


Third, solar panels can increase the value of your home, which can be beneficial if you decide to sell your home in the future.

The amount of money you can save by going solar depends on several factors, including how much sunlight your roof gets, the size of your solar energy system, your electricity consumption, and the cost of electricity in your area.

According to EnergySage, the average homeowner can save between $20,000 and $96,000 over a solar panel system’s lifetime, depending on the electricity costs in their area.

However, these savings can vary in either direction depending on your specific situation.

*You're paying for more than just the electricity you use. You pay the cost of shipping the power as well *

Time of Use vs. Tiered Pricing

Time of Use Pricing Plans -
Time-of-use (TOU) electricity rate plans vary based on the time of day, season, and day type.
Rates are higher during peak demand hours and lower during off-peak hours.
*TOU rates reward people who can shift their energy use to off-peak times.
TOU rates are a type of time-varying rate structure.
These rates better align the price of energy with the cost of energy at the time it is produced.
In California, rates are typically higher in summer months than in winter months.
As of September 1, 2023, the average residential electric rate for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) customers is 38 cents per kWh.
The cost per kWh ranges from 26 to 54 cents per kWh depending on the rate schedule, season, and time of day. Naturally, this rate will continue to go up.

Tiered Pricing Plans -

A tiered rate plan has different prices for different amounts of electricity usage. The lowest price block of usage is called the baseline. As usage increases, customers move to the next, higher priced tier. Each year the prices are increased, adding to cost of living expenses.

See Chart Below-

Showing what you've been paying over the years (if using Tiered Plan), along with some info on


which was passed to help California produce its own clean energy. This bill has given our state incentives to help homeowners save on solar installation and maintenance; giving Californians the ability to produce their own power right from their rooftops while lowering their energy bills significantly.

Stop paying yearly rate hikes!

The utility companies will continue to raise their rates for a few reasons:

First of all, because they can. Secondly, they have to make sure they cover any costs they incur while still turning a profit, which means all costs get passed on to YOU, the consumer.

Refer a homeowner for solar and receive $500 cash upon installation

Why are energy bills so high?

You're not just paying for the energy you use. You're also paying for production and delivery. Most of the power we currently use in California is not produced locally so we have to pay for the production, extra energy and resources it takes to get the power to our homes from other places. And the answer to this problem is solar. Why? Because solar allows us to produce natural power directly from our roofs, which means eliminating all the transportation fees and surcharges, allowing you to save on the energy you use and lock in fixed rate that never increases. And if you produce more power than you use you could actually get a check from PG&E or your current power company. Watch the short video below to learn a little bit more about how solar works.

Watch this short video to learn how solar works.

Benefits Of Going Solar With Us

Now that you have an option, which will you choose?

Continual increases with utilities or locked in rates with solar.

End-to-End Solar Solutions

We cover every aspect of your solar transition, fostering a worry-free process for you.

Will solar damage my roof?

Not if we perform the installation. Our installers are roofers so they follow strict protocol , making sure everything is safe, secure and up to code.

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What if I want to sell my house?

Then your in luck! Having solar panels increases the value of homes about 10%-15% on average. And once you sell you can just transfer everything over to the new owner(s).

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How much can I save if I go solar?

It really depends on a few factors, Such as:

*How much power you use on average

*How much sunlight your roof gets

*Which plan you are current on with your utility company

*On average our customers save about 20%-50% when compared to the utility companies

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"I had no idea I could get a check from PG&E for the power from my solar panels. I was connected with the top provider in my area and now I pay half of what I used to for electricity. I referred my friend and she got a new roof with her panels and I got $500 for the referral!"

Janay Carson| Antioch, Ca

Take The Survey To See If You Qualify

(Only takes 30 seconds!)

Refer a homeowner for solar and receive $500 cash upon installation

(209) 373-0061

(209) 373-0061